Benjamin Green
Benjamin Green was born in 1879, at Gorton Farm, Ixopo, to an Englishman, Charles Edmund Andrew Green, and a Zulu girl, Jamati (Sarah) M'khize.
Following the death of his father in 1909, Gorton Farm, which then amounted to some 3130 hectares, was purchased by the Government from the estate in 1912, and sub divided into smaller farms.
Benjamin received "Lot EE" of the newly proclaimed "Inhlamveni Settlement", presumably as his inheritance.
This he named "Rockside Farm"
Benjamin Green married Adeline Pat Ogle, daughter of Benjamin and Elizabeth Ogle, on the 24th August 1909.
Their children are
HOWARD: born 19 October 1909
MOLLY: born 12 December 1910
DORIS: born 1 February 1912
BENJAMIN: born 29 Sept. 1914
HERBERT: born 29 June 1916
BESSIE: born 12 August 1918
HILDA: born 11 January 1920
IRENE: born 13 June 1922
EBRUE: born 10 October 1924
Benjamin died on 30th June 1924 in Durban, and is buried on Rockside farm, Ixopo.